This is first edition of startup stories highlight. We understand that in the world of entrepreneurship, where the road ahead is often uncertain and challenging, startup stories serve as guiding lights.

They remind us that even the most celebrated business personalities faced struggles, rejections, and setbacks before achieving greatness. These startup stories will inspire you to persevere, innovate, and take risks in your own entrepreneurial endeavors.

Let’s jump into these lessons.

Startup Story of Emmanuel Kimaro

Startup Stories: What We Learned From Interviewing 6 African Entrepreneurs
Startup Stories
  • Industry: Fintech
  • Country: Tanzania
  • Year founded: 2019

Growing up in a business-oriented family in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, Emmanuel Kimaro developed a passion for computers during his university studies. Observing the challenges businesses faced in managing finances, he teamed up with co-founder Abbasi Mussa to create a solution.

They started developing Bizzyn, a financial management platform, during their university program. After initial testing with businesses and positive feedback, they improved the platform and eventually commercialized it. Facing challenges such as limited funds, difficulty in customer education, and hiring, the duo persevered through bootstrapping.

In terms of funding, Kimaro emphasized the importance of achieving traction first, ensuring customer satisfaction, and then seeking external investment. Bizzyn received support from the Adanian Labs Program, allowing them to focus on go-to-market strategies, team expansion, and platform scalability.

Kimaro highlighted the significance of understanding the market and competitors, customizing the platform based on customer needs, and offering cost-effective solutions. They also implemented a revenue-sharing model with resellers to expand their reach.

Regarding challenges faced during development, Kimaro discussed the financial constraints, customer education in adapting to technology, and the difficulty of hiring a competent team. Bizzyn addressed these challenges by moving to a cloud-based platform and investing in customer support.

In terms of technology, Bizzyn incorporates blockchain, AI, and machine learning to provide insights to small business owners. The platform assists in budgeting, analytics, and predicting future business trends based on data analysis.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Entrepreneurial lessons from the startup story of Emmanuel Kimaro

  1. Embrace your background: Kimaro emphasizes the positive influence of his family’s business background. Entrepreneurs should recognize and leverage their cultural and familial strengths, allowing them to tap into existing networks and business traditions.
  2. Identify market needs: Kimaro’s journey started with identifying challenges businesses faced in managing finances. Entrepreneurs should keenly observe their surroundings, identify pain points, and create solutions that address real market needs.
  3. Customer-centric approach: Bizzyn’s success came from understanding customer needs, customizing the platform, and ensuring affordability. Entrepreneurs should prioritize a customer-centric approach, actively seeking feedback and adapting products or services accordingly.
  4. Bootstrapping and financial management: Kimaro faced financial challenges during the development phase but managed through bootstrapping. Entrepreneurs should learn effective financial management, making the most of available resources before seeking external funding.
  5. Traction before investment: Emmanuel stressed the importance of achieving traction and customer satisfaction before seeking external investment. Entrepreneurs should focus on building a solid foundation and proving their business model’s viability before approaching investors.
  6. Effective marketing strategies: He highlighted the importance of understanding competitors, customizing solutions, and offering cost-effective services. Entrepreneurs should invest in effective marketing strategies that resonate with their target audience and differentiate them from competitors.

Startup Story of Marilize Jacobs

Startup Stories: What We Learned From Interviewing 6 African Entrepreneurs
Startup Stories
  • Industry: PR & Interiros
  • Country: South Africa
  • Year founded:

Marilize Jacobs, a South African entrepreneur and mother of twins, shared her journey into entrepreneurship and the strategies she employs to manage her two businesses.

She started her career in marketing communications but transitioned to interior decorating after having children, seeking more flexibility. Marilize runs two businesses: VocalCord, focusing on PR and communications, and Pigs Can Fly Interiors, her interior decorating venture.

She emphasizes the importance of being curious and exploring different interests to find fulfillment. Marilize identified gaps in the market, particularly in interior decorating and PR, and sought to address misconceptions and add value to her clients’ lives.

In terms of team-building, Marilize values mentorship, empowerment, and supporting other entrepreneurs. She believes in the power of consistency, word of mouth, and personal branding to attract and retain customers.

Marilize discusses challenges in funding and reputation management in Africa, highlighting the need for more support and mentorship for entrepreneurs, especially women. She stresses the importance of proactive communication and managing crises effectively.

Marilize also shares insights on leveraging data analytics and emerging technologies for reputation management, emphasizing authenticity and consistency in brand messaging.

As a single mom and entrepreneur, Marilize credits her support system and religious faith for helping her balance her responsibilities. She encourages aspiring entrepreneurs, especially women, to manage risks, shift their mindset, and focus on networking to grow their businesses.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Entrepreneurial lessons from the startup story of Marilize Jacobs

  1. Diversification and curiosity: Marilize’s journey involves transitioning from marketing to interior decorating and running two businesses simultaneously. The lesson here is that diversifying your skills and being curious about different fields can lead to a more fulfilling and well-rounded entrepreneurial experience.
  2. Identifying market gaps: She noticed gaps in the market, particularly in the interior decorating and PR sectors. Entrepreneurs should be observant and identify areas where they can add unique value, addressing misconceptions and providing solutions to real problems.
  3. Building a support system: Having a strong support system, including mentors, friends, and community, is crucial. Entrepreneurship can be challenging, and having people who believe in and support you can make a significant difference in navigating the journey.
  4. Networking and community engagement: Marilize highlights the importance of networking, especially for female entrepreneurs. Shifting the mindset from self-consciousness to focusing on others can make networking more effective and enjoyable.

Startup Story of SmartDarasa Co-founders (Elias Elisante & Kusiluka Justice)

Startup Stories: What We Learned From Interviewing 6 African Entrepreneurs
Startup Stories
  • Industry: Edutech (STEM)
  • Country: Tanzania
  • Year founded: 2019

Elias and Kusiluka, the founders of SmartDarasa, making STEM learning fun and easy in Africa. Elias, the CEO, was driven by personal challenges faced while studying STEM subjects, prompting him to explore programming solutions. Kusiluka, the co-founder, shared a similar struggle, transitioning from engineering to business development to address the issue of cramming STEM concepts without understanding.

SmartDarasa aims to address the lack of STEM laboratories in African schools, especially in government institutions. With over 70% of schools lacking adequate labs, the founders recognized the need for practical, hands-on learning experiences. They identified a gap in STEM education, where many professionals lacked competence, leading to international companies handling major projects in Africa.

The product development process involves reviewing targeted curricula, incorporating teacher insights, and designing both digital (mobile application and website) and physical (smart cards) products. SmartDarasa’s approach focuses on making STEM subjects easy and enjoyable to understand practically, emphasizing the importance of moving beyond rote memorization.

The founders met in 2021, and despite a brief acquaintance, their complementary skills – Elias’s technical expertise and Kusiluka’s business acumen – convinced them to join forces. Elias’s background in Telecom Engineering and Full Stack Development paired well with Kusiluka’s Business Administration degree, creating a balanced partnership.

Funding challenges typical for African entrepreneurs were addressed through bootstrapping initially, followed by grants and awards from organizations like COSTEC and Diamond Groups. SmartDarasa’s emphasis on organic growth and partnerships with STEM organizations helped them reach a broader audience without significant marketing expenditures.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Entrepreneurial lessons from the startup story of SmartDarasa

  1. Identify personal pain points: Elias and Kusiluka’s entrepreneurial journey began by addressing the challenges they personally faced in STEM education. This highlights the importance of identifying problems that resonate with your own experiences, as they often indicate broader market needs.
  2. Collaborate effectively: The partnership between Elias and Kusiluka demonstrates the power of collaboration. By leveraging their complementary skills and backgrounds, they were able to create a stronger, more balanced team. African entrepreneurs should seek partnerships that bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table.
  3. Bootstrap and seek grants: SmartDarasa’s initial funding came from bootstrapping and grants from organizations like COSTEC. This highlights the importance of resourcefulness and perseverance in the early stages of building a startup. Entrepreneurs should explore various funding options, including grants and competitions, to kickstart their ventures.
  4. Prioritize organic growth: SmartDarasa focused on organic growth strategies, such as partnerships and social media, to expand their reach without heavy marketing investments. This underscores the value of building a strong brand presence and engaging with customers authentically.

Startup Story of John Nyongesa

Startup Stories: What We Learned From Interviewing 6 African Entrepreneurs
Startup Stories
  • Industry: Death care, death tech
  • Country: Kenya
  • Year founded: 2018

John Nyongesa, the founder of Safiri Salama, lost his father in 2003. More than a decade later, his son who was four years old at the time of his grandfather’s demise asked him a few questions that led him to create a memorial website for his father.

“The inspiration came accidentally. My son, Jason who turned 18 in 2018 provided it. The loss of an uncle with whom he shared a clan name, inspired questions about our family, our clan and specifically, his grandfather (my father). He could not remember much of him, and his curiosity generated question after question. The most pointed out was; “Why isn’t granddad online?”,” Nyongesa told Today Africa.

“I fumbled to answer that. If it wasn’t online, it did not exist. It was clear. My father was forgotten because, beyond a few pictures, he couldn’t be found. I felt guilty.”

At the time, Nyongesa said he did not find a Kenyan or African-focused memorial website that he could use for his dad. Within three months, he created a memorial website for his dad. “During the process [of creating the website], dozens of my friends expressed the same desire: to preserve their memories of lost loved ones for future generations. So I expanded my personal website into a public memorial website,” he added.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Entrepreneurial lessons from the startup story of John Nyongesa

  1. Tech is ageless: John’s pivot into the tech industry at the age of 48 challenges the notion that technology is exclusively for the young. It underscores the importance of lifelong learning and adaptability, irrespective of age.
  2. Solution can come from personal experience: The idea for Safiri Salama originated from a personal need — preserving the memory of John’s father. Entrepreneurs should pay attention to challenges in their own lives and communities, as these can be fertile ground for innovative solutions.
  3. Market validation is crucial: John’s initial focus on memorials shifted based on feedback from a bereaved family. This highlights the importance of understanding the immediate needs of the target market and being adaptable to pivot based on real-world feedback.
  4. Cultural sensitivity is a strength: Safiri Salama’s success is attributed, in part, to its cultural sensitivity. Naming conventions, warm design aesthetics, and an understanding of the communal nature of funeral planning in Africa all contribute to building trust with the target audience.
  5. Collaborate and partner strategically: Partnerships with religious organizations, funeral homes, and cultural groups played a vital role in Safiri Salama’s success. Entrepreneurs should recognize the importance of collaboration within the community and strategic partnerships to expand their reach.

Startup Story of Nelly Paulser

Startup Stories
  • Industry: Graphic design, branding, and printing.
  • Country: Zimbabwe
  • Year founded: 2020

Nelly Paulser is the co-founder of Graphic House Zim, a customer-centric graphic design business she started with her husband, combining their strengths in graphic design and branding.

Their focus on quality, convenience, and differentiation set them apart in the marketplace. Facing challenges as a woman entrepreneur in a male-dominated industry, Nelly overcame gender inequalities by building relationships, demonstrating resilience, and putting her foot down.

The company is self-funded, with Nelly participating in training programs to gain skills and secure funding. She highlights programs such as the Academy of Women Entrepreneurs, UPG Biashara, and the Tony Elumelu Foundation, which provided funding and networking opportunities.

Nelly’s marketing strategies include rigorous social media marketing, word of mouth, and online meetings for personal connections. She emphasizes the power of LinkedIn for professional networking and advises entrepreneurs to leverage platforms like procurement authorities for tender opportunities.

Balancing creativity and business, Nelly manages her time through meticulous scheduling. She stresses the importance of diarizing tasks and being disciplined in time management.

Graphic House Zim goes beyond profit by contributing to communities, offering free design services to churches, and establishing Lerato Trust. Lerato Trust focuses on anti-bullying awareness, supporting young entrepreneurs, and bridging the print industry with the educational sector.

Through Lerato Trust, Graphic House Zim engages in various initiatives, including hosting events on bullying prevention, educating kid entrepreneurs, and providing real-life experiences to students interested in graphic design and printing. Nelly envisions expanding their impact beyond Zimbabwe to positively influence communities in other countries.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Entrepreneurial lessons from the startup story of Nelly Paulser

  1. Resilience in the face of challenges: Navigating a male-dominated industry and facing gender inequalities, Nelly demonstrated resilience by persevering despite the obstacles. African entrepreneurs should expect challenges but remain determined to overcome them.
  2. Strategic networking and relationship building: Building relationships with industry players, seeking mentorship, and participating in training programs were essential for Nelly’s growth. Networking opens doors to opportunities, funding, and valuable insights.
  3. Strategic marketing and branding: Rigorous marketing, leveraging social media platforms, and prioritizing word-of-mouth referrals were instrumental in expanding Graphic House Zim’s clientele. Entrepreneurs should invest in strategic marketing efforts to build brand visibility and attract customers.
  4. Community engagement and social impact: Graphic House Zim’s commitment to giving back to the community through free design services and the establishment of Lerato Trust highlights the importance of social impact. Entrepreneurs should consider ways to contribute positively to their communities while running a successful business.
  5. Continuous learning and skill development: Nelly’s participation in training programs and her commitment to upskilling herself contributed to her business growth. African entrepreneurs should embrace a culture of continuous learning, seek opportunities for skill development, and stay updated with industry trends.

Startup Story of Ifeoma Uddoh, Schecluded Founder

Startup Stories
  • Industry: Fintech
  • Country: Nigeria
  • Year founded: 2019

Ifeoma Uddoh is a social entrepreneur and the founder of Shecluded, a female-focused venture company dedicated to creating economic prosperity for women through access to financial services.

Her journey is inspirational, especially considering the personal experiences that motivated her to start Shecluded. Her story of witnessing her mother’s struggles after her father’s death and the subsequent challenges women face in accessing credit resonates with many and adds a human touch to her entrepreneurial venture.

The challenges Ifeoma Uddoh faced as a female founder and CEO in the fintech space, particularly the need to upskill in technical areas and the initial skepticism around a female-focused company, highlight the resilience required in such a competitive industry. Her approach of using personal funds to prove the concept and attract initial clients is a testament to her commitment and belief in the cause.

The insights into fundraising strategies, emphasizing the importance of revenue as a sustainable source of funding and leveraging personal and professional networks, provide valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs, especially in regions where access to funding can be challenging.

Click here to watch the full interview.

Entrepreneurial lessons from the startup story of Ifeoma Uddoh, Shecluded founder

  1. Identify real problems: Start a venture that addresses genuine problems faced by your community. Ifeoma identified a gap in credit access for female entrepreneurs, stemming from her mother’s experience. By focusing on real issues, your business is more likely to provide meaningful solutions.
  2. Leverage personal experience: Your personal experiences and challenges can be powerful motivators for entrepreneurial pursuits. Ifeoma’s own background, witnessing her mother navigate challenges, fueled her passion to empower other women facing similar obstacles.
  3. Build a purpose-driven business: Ifeoma’s commitment to empowering women goes beyond financial transactions. Shecluded not only provides growth loans but also offers upscaling activities, a co-working space, and support networks. A purpose-driven business creates lasting impact and resonates with customers.
  4. Strategic networking: Building a strong network is crucial for fundraising and partnerships. Ifeoma leveraged her professional connections to secure funding from individuals who shared her vision. Networking can open doors to opportunities and collaborations.
  5. Innovative marketing: Ifeoma’s approach to marketing involved creatively targeting associations and community leaders, allowing Shecluded to reach its female clientele. Think outside the box when promoting your business, and consider grassroots strategies that resonate with your target audience.


So, as you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, remember that success is within your reach. Draw inspiration from the startup stories of entrepreneurs building in Africa.

The goal of this highlight is to motivate you to keep pushing forward, and who knows, one day, your story might become the next inspiring addition to our next Startup Stories Highlight.

Today Africa is on a mission to amplify the voices of startups and make their stories resonate with the world. We believe that every startup has a unique tale to tell, and we’re dedicated to creating a platform that not only showcases their journeys but also inspires the next generation of African entrepreneurs.

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Today Africa

Every story deserves to be told and heard. Let me share yours to inspire others.

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