Othman Benjelloun is a name that resonates in the world of banking, business, and philanthropy.

As the CEO and founder of BMCE Bank, one of Morocco’s largest financial institutions, Benjelloun has carved a niche for himself as a prominent figure in the banking sector. But his contributions extend far beyond the realm of finance.

With a keen entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for making a difference, Benjelloun has amassed an impressive legacy. From his thriving business empire to his philanthropic endeavors, there is no denying the impact he has made on both the corporate and social front.

Biography of Othman Benjelloun

Born on January 20th, 1932, Othman Benjelloun’s early life was in Fez, Morocco. While details about his childhood remain scarce, it’s understood that his family possessed a stake in the prominent Moroccan insurance company, RMA [RMA insurance company Morocco]. This exposure to the world of finance likely sparked a young Benjelloun’s interest in the field.

Recognizing the importance of education, Benjelloun received an education in engineering at the prestigious École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland.

From 1952 to 1959, he honed his engineering skills, a foundation that would prove valuable in his future endeavors. Benjelloun returned to Morocco in the 1960s, he joined forces with his brother Omar to diversify the family business.

Personal life and family

While Benjelloun is a public figure in the business world, he maintains a relatively private personal life. He is married to Leïla Mezian Benjelloun, a well-respected ophthalmologist who dedicated herself to public service healthcare for many years. Together, they have raised two children: Kamal Benjelloun and Dounia Benjelloun.

Building a Business Empire

Benjelloun’s father was a large shareholder in an insurance company that Benjelloun later took over in 1988. He turned this into RMA Watanya. After purchasing the insurance company, Benjelloun expanded the business venture into the banking industry.

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His banking enterprise, the BMCE Bank has its presence felt in at least 12 countries in Africa after it purchased the Mali-based Bank of Africa. The banking aspect of Benjelloun’s business career is worth $4 billion based solely on its market capitalization profits.

The Man Called Othman Benjelloun
Leïla Mezian Benjelloun

They ventured into strategic alliances with global automotive giants like Volvo and General Motors, showcasing a keen eye for identifying lucrative partnerships. This period also saw Benjelloun take the reins at RMA, leveraging his business acumen to transform it into a leading Moroccan insurer.

His father’s legacy in RMA, a prominent Moroccan insurance company, laid the foundation for Benjelloun to elevate it into a leading insurer. Moreover, through his holding company, FinanceCom, he maintains interests in the Moroccan division of the French telecommunications giant Orange.

The year 1988 marked a pivotal moment in Benjelloun’s career. He saw an opportunity in the privatization of Royale Marocaine d’Assurances (RMA) – the very company his family had a stake in. With a bold move, he acquired RMA, solidifying his position in the insurance sector.

Benjelloun’s vision extended beyond insurance. In 1995, another key acquisition came to fruition – the privatization of Banque Marocaine du Commerce Extérieur (BMCE).

This marked the birth of BMCE Bank, with Benjelloun at the helm as chairman and CEO. His leadership was instrumental in forging partnerships with international financial institutions like Germany’s Commerzbank and Japan’s Nomura Group, propelling BMCE Bank onto the global stage.

The BMCE Bank and Bank of Africa

Benjelloun’s ambition wasn’t limited to Morocco. He recognized the potential of a pan-African banking network and spearheaded BMCE Bank’s acquisition of a significant stake (35%) in Bank of Africa, a leading player in West and Central Africa.

This strategic move created a formidable banking group with a presence across the continent. The combined entity, BMCE Bank of Africa, continues to be a dominant force in African finance.

Othman Benjelloun Net Worth

Estimates of Othman Benjelloun’s net worth vary slightly depending on the source. As of June 2024, Forbes lists his net worth at US$1.6 billion, making him one of the wealthiest individuals in Morocco and Africa. His vast wealth comes from his various business interests, including banking, insurance, real estate, and telecommunications.

The Life of Othman Benjelloun Beyond Banking

Othman Benjelloun’s influence extends beyond the realm of banking. Through his holding company, FINANCE.COM, he has diversified his portfolio into various sectors.

He is the chairman of Meditelecom, a prominent player in Morocco’s telecommunications landscape, and his investments touch upon industries like media, IT, and even large-scale cattle breeding through Ranch Adarouch, one of Africa’s biggest cattle breeders.

Leadership and philanthropy

Benjelloun’s leadership extends beyond his own companies. He has served as the president of the Professional Association of Moroccan Banks, and his participation in the International Councillors at the Center for Strategic International Studies (CSIS) showcases his commitment to shaping global discourse.

Furthermore, Benjelloun and his wife, Leïla Mezian Benjelloun, have been recognized for their philanthropic endeavors. They were jointly awarded the David Rockefeller Bridging Leadership Award in 2016 for their efforts in building schools in rural Morocco, demonstrating a dedication to social development alongside economic success.

Passion for architecture

Benjelloun’s influence extends beyond the purely financial realm. He is a patron of the arts and architecture, with a particular interest in leaving a lasting physical mark on his homeland.

The Man Called Othman Benjelloun
Othman Benjelloun and his wife Leïla Mezian Benjelloun

One such example is the Mohammed VI Tower, a 55-story skyscraper inaugurated in Rabat in 2014. Benjelloun spearheaded this ambitious project, transforming the Rabat skyline and creating one of the tallest buildings in Africa.

This venture highlights his commitment to Morocco’s modernization and his desire to create iconic landmarks that showcase the country’s progress.

Academic pursuits and public service

Othman Benjelloun’s dedication to education extends beyond his philanthropic efforts. He served as the Chancellor of Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane from 1998 to 2004.

His leadership in the academic sphere underscores his belief in the importance of nurturing future generations of Moroccan leaders.

Additionally, his role on the International Councillors at CSIS reflects his commitment to fostering dialogue and contributing to global discussions on critical geopolitical issues.

What Next in the Life of Othman Benjelloun

At 92 years old (as of June 2024), Othman Benjelloun remains a dominant force in Moroccan and African finance. While he has stepped back from some of his day-to-day operational roles, his influence continues to shape the direction of BMCE Bank of Africa and his broader business empire.

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The future trajectory of his companies and his continued involvement in philanthropic and public service endeavors will be keenly watched by those following the economic and social development of Morocco and Africa.

Entrepreneurial Lessons from Othman Benjelloun’s Life

  • Strategic vision: Benjelloun’s success is built upon a foundation of clear vision. He identified opportunities in the privatization wave and the potential of a pan-African banking network. Entrepreneurs should cultivate the ability to see the bigger picture, anticipate market trends, and develop long-term strategies.
  • Calculated expansion: While ambitious, Benjelloun’s growth strategies were measured. He started with partnerships and then ventured into acquisitions, carefully building his empire step-by-step. Entrepreneurs should prioritize calculated expansion, focusing on building a strong foundation before scaling their ventures.
  • Leveraging partnerships: Strategic alliances played a crucial role in Benjelloun’s success. From collaborating with automotive giants to forging partnerships with international banks, he recognized the value of collaboration. Entrepreneurs should explore mutually beneficial partnerships to access resources, expertise, and new markets.
  • Diversification is key: Benjelloun didn’t limit himself to one sector. Through FINANCE.COM, he diversified his portfolio across industries. Entrepreneurs should consider calculated diversification to mitigate risk and capitalize on new opportunities.

By incorporating these lessons into their approach, aspiring entrepreneurs can increase their chances of following in the footsteps of Othman Benjelloun and carving their own paths to success.

Remember, success is rarely a linear journey, and there will be challenges along the way. However, by emulating Benjelloun’s strategic vision, calculated approach, and commitment to social responsibility, entrepreneurs can build businesses that thrive and leave a lasting positive impact.

Final Thought

Othman Benjelloun’s story is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders. His journey from a young engineering graduate to a self-made billionaire is a testament to his unwavering vision, strategic thinking, and ability to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Beyond his financial achievements, Benjelloun’s commitment to education, philanthropy, and infrastructure development highlights a well-rounded approach to success that benefits not just his companies but also Moroccan society as a whole.

As the continent of Africa continues its economic evolution, the impact of Othman Benjelloun’s legacy will undoubtedly be felt for generations to come.


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